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PieandBeer  (Tsunderbird Studios)  [ PieandBeer ]
Boston, США
About this video: https://vine.co/v/iu5dpId9KhE

Merry Christmas, have a 4 minute long sentimental vid >:)
In all seriousness, I had been dying to make a video with these sources due to their shared Christian overtones and thought Christmas would be the best time to make it. I tried to distill the story down to the trio's journey with the baby with scattered hints of their personal battles and plot points. I did my best to not just summarize the source, but emphasize these attributes and give a general feeling to what the film is about. As such, a large portion of the plot and characterization was skipped over. If you have not seen the film yet, I beg you to do so as there is so much great animation and story that I could not fit into this video.

Anyway, happy holidays everyone! Hope you enjoy the video.
Видео    Tokyo Godfathers
Музыка    Sleeping At Last - Sun
Жанр    Drama, Sentimental, Character Profile
4:45 | 82,5 Мб. | 1920x1060 | H.264 / aac
4:45 | 9,94 Мб. | 480x272 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 26 « [1] 2 3 »
KEN13  [ 12 ноября 2017, 10:39 ]
Круто, благодарствую !!!!!!!!!!
InsanitySupporter  [ 29 января 2017, 02:50 ]
Nice atmosphere, clean editing.
xDieguitoAMV  [ 26 января 2017, 05:02 ]
Ok i love this!:wow: Clean editing with a great way of showing the story to the viewer. Music works wonderful too in the video clip.
Will watch this source for sure latter. Good luck =)
Death_Kn1ght  [ 18 января 2017, 18:19 ]
Прекрасная работа , особенно если пересмотреть через какое-то время :з
MetL storm  [ 18 января 2017, 16:33 ]
Excellent combination M/V.
Great atmosphere.
ICEberg  [ 17 января 2017, 18:38 ]
профайл раскрыт
формальные признаки сентиментала
формальные признаки мелодрамы

драмы нет
чересчур затянуто
Leegf  [ 08 января 2017, 11:50 ]
Just as you wished, I've watched the film, and I even decided to do it before watching this clip. Thanks about your advice, I liked it. Can't say I liked it that much but definitely it's something peculiar and worth attention.

Now about the clip itself. You've made decent job here. I've caught the same mood I had while watching the film. The song' amazing, there's connection between lyrics and scenes. Long timing doesn't seem to be a problem.
I'd call your clip an example of smart retelling.
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 04 января 2017, 18:50 ]
Although simple it has a powerful mood. I think its the first time I see a video from you so good work here
leolide  [ 30 декабря 2016, 00:06 ]
this is so fkin gay 10/10 would bang :cool:
-Chloe-  [ 29 декабря 2016, 16:08 ]
Lovely MAD :inlove:
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